Gratitude Challenge for Kids | Thankful Turkey


Autumn brings more than just fall leaves; it introduces our “Thankful Turkey: 30-Day Gratitude Challenge for Kids.” A delightful experience for young minds to recognize, cherish, and write about their daily blessings.


Jazzed up with 5 enchanting coloring pages, this gratitude challenge for kids isn’t just about thankfulness. It’s also a canvas for creativity, letting young artists bloom amidst shades of joy.


For 30 transformative days, children will explore moments of thankfulness, making every page a memory, every note a nugget of joy.


Private Label Rights (PLR) included.


Note: This is an INSTANT Download Digital File. No physical products will be shipped or mailed.


See more details below.


🍁 Thankful Turkey: 30-Day Gratitude Challenge for Kids 🍁

Thanksgiving isn’t just about the feast! Dive into a season of gratitude with an engaging 30-day challenge tailored for young minds.


Inside our “Thankful Turkey” gratitude journal, you’ll discover a curated blend of prompts, that spark both creativity and thankfulness. From daily reflections to whimsical coloring pages, every day is a new adventure into the world of appreciation.


This Gratitude Journal includes:

  • 30-page daily gratitude challenge for kids
  • 5 Thanksgiving coloring pages
  • 1 cover and 1 intro page
  • Editable PPT file and Canva template for easy customization
  • Also available in ready-to-print PDF format (8.5×11 in)
  • Private Label Rights


  1. Gratitude Classroom Project: Teachers can incorporate the “Thankful Turkey” journal as a daily activity in November, culminating in a “Gratitude Sharing Day” where students share their favorite entries.
  2. Thanksgiving Family Tradition: Parents can make it an annual tradition for the entire family. Every day leading up to Thanksgiving, each family member can fill out a page, and on Thanksgiving Day, they can share and reflect on their entries together.
  3. Etsy Store Best-Seller: Online business owners can customize, brand, and sell the journal as a seasonal special in their printable shops, tapping into the growing trend of gratitude practices and the festive spirit.
  4. Digital Blog Bonus: Bloggers focusing on parenting, teaching, or kids’ activities can offer the journal as an exclusive downloadable bonus for their subscribers, enhancing blog engagement during the holiday season.
  5. Local Community Workshops: Organize gratitude workshops for kids in the community using the journal as the central activity material. It’s a fantastic way for local libraries, community centers, or kids’ clubs to engage children during the festive period.

Don’t miss out on this chance to instill a powerful life lesson in a fun and interactive way. With the bonus of PLR, educators and sellers can also adapt it to fit their unique audience’s needs.



  1. You have the right to use the PLR product as-is or modify it as you wish.
  2. You can sell the PLR product under your own name and branding.
  3. You can package the PLR product with other products or create a bundle offer.
  4. You can sell the PLR product on your own website, marketplace or e-commerce store.
  5. You can use the PLR product as a lead magnet to grow your email list.
  6. You can use the PLR product to create a membership site or course.
  7. You cannot resell the PLR product as PLR, i.e. you cannot give your customers the right to modify and resell the product.
  8. You cannot use the PLR product for unethical purposes or in violation of any laws.

Embrace the season of thanks and make gratitude a memorable journey for the little ones. Get your “Thankful Turkey” now!


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Printable Gratitude Journal for KidsGratitude Challenge for Kids | Thankful Turkey