
Creativity Bundle: Art and Writing Activity Pages for Kids


Unleash your child’s imagination with our ‘Creativity Bundle: Art and Writing Activity Pages for Kids.’ Dive into a curated selection of art prompts to ignite their artistic flair, paired with engaging story and journal writing prompts to kindle their narrative skills. It’s a comprehensive toolkit designed to cultivate creativity, enhance expression, and enrich their learning journey.


Private Label Rights (PLR) included.


Note: This is an INSTANT Download Digital File. No physical products will be shipped or mailed.


See more details below.

Do you often find your kids doodling aimlessly or daydreaming about fantasy worlds?

What if there was a way to channel their innate creativity into structured yet fun activities?

Introducing the “Creativity Bundle: Art and Writing Activity Pages for Kids”. This isn’t just another activity bundle. It’s a handcrafted compilation aiming at enhancing your child’s imagination and improving their artistic and narrative skills.


Creativity Bundle includes:

  • 30-page engaging art prompts and fun activities
  • 30 exciting story writing prompts
  • 20 engaging and thought-provoking prompts
  • Editable PPT file and Canva template for easy customization
  • Also available in ready-to-print PDF format (8.5×11 in)
  • Private Label Rights
  • Total Value: $71



  1. Customized Kits: Personalize the pages by adding your branding, logo, or any additional content and create a unique art and writing kit. You can offer this customized bundle in your shop or website as a premium product.
  2. Subscription Boxes: Incorporate the pages into a monthly subscription box for kids focused on art and writing. Each month, provide fresh, edited pages from the bundle, along with some stationery or art supplies.
  3. Online Workshops: Host online workshops or classes for children focusing on art and writing. Use the pages from the bundle as workshop material, customizing them according to each class’s theme or focus.
  4. Bonus Content: If you sell children’s products, educational materials, or even kids’ stationery, you can include edited pages from the bundle as bonus content or a free gift with purchase, enhancing the overall product value.
  5. Themed Print Collections: Curate the pages into themed collections, like “Summer Adventures” or “Holiday Tales”, by customizing and adding thematic elements. Sell these as limited-time special editions in your shop, especially during relevant seasons or holidays.

With Private Label rights, the opportunities to customize and repurpose the “Creativity Bundle” are vast and varied. It’s all about adding value and uniqueness to cater to your audience’s specific needs and interests.



  • You have the right to use the PLR product as-is or modify it as you wish.
  • You can sell the PLR product under your own name and branding.
  • You can package the PLR product with other products or create a bundle offer.
  • You can sell the PLR product on your own website, marketplace or e-commerce store.
  • You can use the PLR product as a lead magnet to grow your email list.
  • You can use the PLR product to create a membership site or course.
  • You cannot resell the PLR product as PLR, i.e. you cannot give your customers the right to modify and resell the product.
  • You cannot use the PLR product for unethical purposes or in violation of any laws.

Don’t miss out on unlocking endless creativity for the young minds you serve! Grab the ‘Creativity Bundle: Art and Writing Activity Pages for Kids’ now and let the imaginative adventures begin!


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Art and Writing Activity Pages for KidsCreativity Bundle: Art and Writing Activity Pages for Kids